Varicose Veins and Spider Veins Treatment

What are varicose veins and spider veins?

Varicose veins are the large, visible, and bulging leg veins under the skin. They arise due to the weakness of the vein wall because the vein valves no longer work. Under the pressure of gravity, these veins can continue to expand. The veins may become bigger, thicker, and painful.

Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but they’re smaller. Spider veins are found closer to the skin’s surface and are often red or blue.

Spider veins occur on the legs, but can also be found on the face. They vary in size and often look like a spider’s web.

Risk Factors

The most important risk factors for varicose veins are:

  • Genetic
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancies
  • Long-standing (or sitting)
  • Lack of sports


Varicose veins may not cause any pain. Signs you may have varicose veins include:

Veins that are dark purple or blue in color
Veins that appear twisted and bulging; they are often like cords on your legs

When painful signs and symptoms occur, they may include:

  • An achy or heavy feeling in your legs
  • Burning, throbbing, muscle cramping and swelling in your lower legs
  • Worsened pain after sitting or standing for a long time
  • Itching around one or more of your veins
  • Skin discoloration around a varicose vein

Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but they’re smaller. Spider veins are found closer to the skin’s surface and are often red or blue.

Spider veins occur on the legs, but can also be found on the face. They vary in size and often look like a spider’s web.

How we treat it

At the Regenerative Healing Center, we utilize the latest technology. We have chosen a modern system that was developed to offer a safe and effective, minimally invasive technique to treat varicose veins and spider veins with little or no post-operative pain, and immediate return to normal daily activities.

We use a safe, well-established radiofrequency technology based on the principle of thermo-coagulation. We heat the vein wall by sending a high-frequency signal that will make the cells vibrate so that they increase in temperature, this causes the vein to coagulate and eventually disappear.

The coagulation of the vein is without side effects on the skin.